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14th Annual Bridges of Friendship Banquet and Silent Auction - April 24th 2015 THANK YOU to all for your generosity and for making this event a success every year!

This Year's event will be held, April 24th, 2015. Please mark this date on your agenda.

Shining Stars 14th Annual Bridges of Friendship Banquet & Dinner

Friday, April 24th 2015 @ 6:30 pm, Cost $25

Lady of Sorrow Elementary School Gym, 555 Slocan Street, Vancouver

Great conversation, connections, silent auction, door prizes, entertainment, delectable cusine and an opportunity to support and sponsor children/youth to camp, after-school programs, bursaries, meals transportation & educational materials.

Please contact us at 604-307-9237 or send us an email to reserve your tickets.


Shining Stars KidsFest March 17 - March 20

9:30 am - 3:30 pm

Donation $15/child/day. Lunch, snacks, and prizes provided.

Activities include: Sports, Basketball, Soccer, Badminton, Volleyball, Storytelling, Music, Drama, Biking, Cooking/Baking, Reading Marathon, Arts & Crafts, Iron Chef, Computer, Math Challenge, Spelling Bee, Treasure Hunt, and more....


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