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Dear Friends,

We are giving thanks to you, and hope all’s well with you and your family.

As we, like caterpillars, emerging from the cocoon of Covid-19, and diverse illnesses, we are finally looking forward to gathering with our friends for the G & I Shining Stars Youth Society (GISSYS) 19th Annual Bridges of Friendship Dinner & Silent Auction fundraising event will be held on Friday April 28, 2023, at Our Lady of Sorrows Elementary School Gym, 555 Slocan Street, Vancouver at 6:30 p.m.

We are thankful for their generosity in allowing us to use this location.

Tickets will be $40 each. Kindly consider inviting friends and / or family and enjoy an amazing evening. A special thanks again, to many of you who helped us during the Covid-19 years, as we continued some of the kids programs on a reduced scale. Your continued support to Shining Stars Youth Society Annual Bridges of Friendship Dinner & Silent Auction fundraising event for Kids is vital and life - giving. We invite you to participate with us this year. Your presence and /or donation will benefit children and youth accessing the programs. Our goal this year is $70,000 to help sponsor 80 -100 campers for day and overnight camping and “Shine, Inspire, Care” summer adventures program (eight weeks). We also want to provide 10-15 bursaries for students continuing their post-secondary education.

G & I Shining Stars Youth Society is a non-profit organization providing outreach to children, youth and their families in Vancouver's inner-city. The proceeds raised will help send a child to camp, assist in the support of a child or youth attending Shining Stars Camp Can-Do Summer Program, Shining Stars After-School program that improve literacy, leadership skills and helping to advance academic and life skills throughout the academic year, books, nutritious meals, education materials and bursaries for youth who are continuing post-secondary education.

Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request and your generosity in helping to make this annual event very successful this year!

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